Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow

Up and Down

Wax and Wane

Summer and Winter

There are many idioms to describe seasons in our lives.

Seasons that can impact creatives, both in terms of quantity and qaulity. Whatever both of those terms really mean for creatives.

Watching a short Instagram Live from Paul Sanders this morning confirmed to me I'm not the only one feeling flat. Many people take on New Year resolutions only to find them unrealistic and exhausting.

The New Year is a time that many of us feel we should decide new avenues, new energies and new creativity.

However, living in the middle of the winter and observing nature just surviving and lying fallow, doesn't often encourage me to find a fresh creativity. Fresh energy. Fresh vision.

There are times in my life for that. Days, weeks, can go by with me really struggling to find that energy. As can be partially evidenced by the months and months passing that there is no sign of life on this channel!

Then there are times I'm in the flow. The groove. I'm photographing, writing and thinking without, seemingly, any effort.

That's what seasons are like. The tide. The moon.

Don't beat yourself up when you are ebbing, waning or wintering!

The flowering season will come. The tide will turn. And whilst waiting for that, you can prepare. Set the groundwork. Make plans.

And be kind to yourself..


Wide Horizons

